Future Fair 2023 organizzata dall'Apple Developer Academy dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
Per celebrare la fine dell'anno accademico 2022/2023, più di 300 studenti, provenienti da tutto il mondo, presenteranno i loro lavori e saranno disponibili per colloqui di lavoro.
To celebrate the end of the Apple Developer Academy year 2022/2023, more than 300 students, coming from all over the world, will present their work and will be available for job interviews. The official language of the Academy is English, and many of our students are international https://www.developeracademy.unina.it/en/.
The experience at the Academy lasts 9 months and is mainly focused on app and game development, with a specific focus on Apple technologies and frameworks. Students are exposed to a wide set of skills ranging from coding, UI/UX design, game creation to business and entrepreneurship and soft skills.
During the Academy year, students have the opportunity also to engage with external partners and organizations, such as CISCO and Accenture, acquiring more competencies and professional expertise.
At the Future Fair all companies, investors, business accelerators and other stakeholders to broaden our students job perspectives are invited. To facilitate contacts, there is a dedicated Platform (https://developeracademy-itservices.com), where all students have their own profile and portfolio of projects, which are revealed to companies before the event.
To join the event , which will be in English, and/or the platform please fill out by the 26th of May the following form: https://airtable.com/shrpeLX1lEHV5VZal; once registered more information will be provided.